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Foot Pain When Running | Flat Foot Support

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Designed for an active lifestyle.

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Designed for normal day-to-day use.

You might be wondering if custom orthotics for flat feet help if you have foot pain when running. Flat feet can be one of the most challenging considerations for those who are athletes. Flat feet have a harder time absorbing shock when you are running or jumping. They can also be more prone to injury due to gait abnormalities. There are also very few shoes that are made to suit flat feet and most of them are not athletic shoes.

Have you been struggling with flat feet and the pain that they can cause when you are engaged in your favorite activities? You might have begun to think that there is nothing to be done about your problem. Thankfully, this is not the case and custom orthotics can make a big difference to your daily comfort.

If you are ready to learn more about the ways that custom orthotics for flat feet can help you manage your foot pain, you need to read on!

What Are Custom Orthotics For Foot Pain?

Custom orthotics are custom-made inserts that slip inside your running shoes to prevent gait abnormalities. They also help support your unique foot shape correctly. In the case of flat feet, your custom orthotics will help you with mid-foot pain as well as heel-strike pain. They will be made to offer support at the key locations that your feet need to distribute weight correctly and take a balanced stride.

Custom orthotics are made just for your unique foot shape. They are crafted to help you to be able engage in your favorite activities without pain. Being able to support your feet correctly is critical to the health of your knees and back, as well as your feet and ankles.

What About Custom Shoes?

While you can order custom shoes to try to help manage your foot pain, you will get just as much benefit from your regular running shoes with custom orthotics inserted into them. Custom shoes are very expensive and they might not offer the same benefits that your orthotics will.

Having quality custom orthotics can make a closed-toe shoe with laces work perfectly for your needs. It is worth making sure that you know your shoe size accurately before you add your orthotics to your favorite running shoes. However, if you are sure that your shoes fit you correctly, you can simply add your orthotics and head out for a pain-free run! Custom orthotics are even better than custom shoes in nearly every situation!

Why Do Flat Feet Hurt When Running?

Flat feet are essentially feet that don’t have enough arch support. When you have collapsed arches, the entire sole of your foot will be in contact with the ground each time you take a step. This can lead to bruising along the bottom of the foot. The lack of an arch in your foot can also cause strain on the muscles and tendons that connect your heel to the ball of your foot.

Flat feet can also develop plantar fasciitis, which is a very painful inflammation of the tissues on the bottom of the foot. This is a very common occurrence for runners with flat feet and it can be prevented through the use of custom orthotics. Between inflammatory processes, strain, and the risk of stepping on something that can bruise the sole of the foot badly, it is no wonder that flat feet can start to hurt after your run.

If you love running, but you have very flat feet, you will need to provide your feet with the support that they need to stay healthy while you are working out. There are very few good options on the market for running shoes that support flat feet. You will have a hard time finding any shoe off the rack that can truly position your flat feet correctly or protect them from injury.

Foot Pain While Running

How do I Know if I Have Flat Feet?

When you have not had any issues with pain or discomfort in the past, you might not have realized that your feet were very flat. This is a more common occurrence than you might think. There is no reason to feel embarrassed if you did not realize that your feet were flatter than normal.

There is a simple test that you can use to see if your feet have a collapsed arch. You will simply need a bowl of water you can fit your feet into and a flat floor surface. Dip your feet into the water and then stand with your full weight on your feet. If there is no curve in the arch area of your wet footprints, you have a collapsed arch.

While you might have been able to engage in all of your favorite activities for years without pain in your feet, sometimes adding new activities to your training routine or a small injury can lead to a sudden flare of foot pain. Even if you have not been having issues with your flat feet on a regular basis, it is still much better for your feet, your knees, and your back to take care of your flat feet correctly.

What Can Custom Orthotics For Flat Feet Do For Me?

So, if you know that you have flat feet and think that they are the cause of your foot pain when running, you might be wondering what orthotics can do for you that insoles from the store can’t. Insoles that can be purchased at the store are just intended to increase the padding of the interior of your shoe. This is not going to help support your foot or balance your gait in any way.

Custom orthotics can help with a whole host of foot pain issues. When running regularly on flat feet, you might have experienced every one of these issues. Even if you do not have gait issues that have been caused by your very flat feet, the balance of your stride could likely be improved through the use of orthotics as well.

  • Support the Sole of the Foot
    • A custom orthotic will be made to provide support at key areas of your foot so that your sole can flex properly and so that it can relax correctly. This is critical to running in comfort but it can also help you with pain when standing for long periods of time or when walking. Supporting the sole of the foot when you have very flat feet is often quite challenging. You will not have good luck with this need when you do not have custom orthotics on your side.
  • Improve Plantar Fasciitis
    • People with very flat feet who have plantar fasciitis will struggle to alleviate the condition without assistance. For those with higher arches, some rest and physical therapy can often take care of the problem. When you have collapsed arches, the daily strain of using your feet might be causing the inflammation that has led to this painful condition. A custom orthotic will alleviate the lack of balance in your foot and support your collapsed arches correctly so that your feet can finally heal.
  • Deal with Bunions and Corns
    • Both of these painful conditions are often linked with shoes that have a narrow toe box or with feet that tend to slide forward and get pinched at the toes inside of a shoe. When you do not have a normal arch in your foot, this can be a daily struggle for you to combat. Shoes that are not custom-made will not cradle your heel correctly to prevent this issue. A custom orthotic will help your foot to stay in place in your shoe. It will also prevent the compression of your toes that can lead to these painful conditions that might force you to stop running.
  • Correct Pronation or Supination
    • When you have collapsed arches, gait abnormalities are a common companion problem. This is because the shape of your foot does not guide your foot strike pattern. You might not be able to tell that your feet are hitting the ground with too much pressure on the outside or inside of the foot. When your footfalls are landing on the sides of your feet, you can injure your knees and back. You might get shin splints or deal with pain along the inside or outside of your feet.

Custom orthotics will help your feet to land in a balanced way during each of your running strides. This can alleviate all kinds of pain caused by running on flat feet. It can help prevent arthritis and soft tissue injuries to other parts of your body.

The Benefits of Custom Orthotics for Flat Feet

How do I Get Measured for Custom Orthotics For Flat Feet?

The process to have custom orthotics made for you is very easy. You will receive a kit in the mail that has a foot impression mold box in it as well as a questionnaire about your daily activities and the nature of your foot pain or foot conditions. Then you will need to fill out the survey completely to help guide the determination of the kind of materials to use for your orthotics.

For the custom insoles foot impression box, be sure to step evenly with each foot into the foot molds and make sure that your feet are level as you do so. These perfect molds of your feet will be used to craft you a 100% custom set of orthotics that will help manage your gait issues and alleviate the pain from your flat feet. You can use your orthotics for any activity that you want, from running to hiking, to standing at work.

Having custom orthotics that are made to fit your foot exactly can make all the difference in your comfort and your foot health over the long term. You will notice an improvement right away as soon as you start using your orthotics and you will probably be back to running without pain almost right away!

Custom Orthotics Can Alleviate Flat Foot Pain With Ease!

If you have been struggling with foot pain for years without relief, custom orthotics might be the perfect solution to manage and alleviate your foot discomfort. You will find that custom orthotics can balance your stride, improve the support for your flat feet, and help you to get a custom fit from any sports shoe that you own.

Without the help of custom orthotics, flat feet can experience pain on a daily basis. To end your flat foot discomfort, order your custom orthotics today! Take our free quiz today to find out which orthotic type is best for your feet. 

Foot Comfort with Custom Orthotics

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. If you have any questions about your health or are experiencing any medical problems, please contact your doctor or other healthcare provider immediately. Do not delay seeking medical attention based on the information provided in this article.