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High Arches: Finding the Right Support.

Made From The Molds Of Your Feet

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Designed for an active lifestyle.

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Do you have high arches? If so, you know the struggle of finding comfortable shoes that provide the right amount of support. The quest for the perfect footwear can be frustrating, but fear not! In this article, we'll be exploring how to find the right support for high arches, so you can keep moving comfortably. High arches can lead to various foot problems, including pain, instability, and even difficulty finding shoes that fit properly. But don't worry, there are solutions! We'll be delving into the importance of proper arch support, and how it can alleviate discomfort and prevent future issues. Whether you're an athlete looking for performance footwear or simply seeking everyday comfort, understanding your foot type and finding the right support is crucial. Our guide will walk you through the different types of arch support available, including orthotics and specialized shoe designs. No more sacrificing style for comfort or enduring foot pain - it's time to find the perfect support for your high arches. Let's dive in and discover how to keep moving comfortably, one step at a time.

What Are High Arches?

Have you ever looked down at your feet and noticed that the arches seem unusually high? If so, you may be one of the many individuals who have high arches, also known as cavus foot. This condition is characterized by an abnormally elevated arch, which can cause a range of foot-related problems. 

High arches are often a result of genetics or underlying neurological or muscular conditions, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease or cerebral palsy. In some cases, high arches can develop over time due to the natural aging process or as a result of certain activities or injuries. Regardless of the cause, having high arches can significantly impact your overall foot health and comfort. 

Understanding the unique characteristics of high arches is the first step in addressing any associated issues. Unlike flat feet, which have little to no arch, high arches are the opposite - the arch is excessively pronounced, creating a noticeable gap between the sole of the foot and the ground. This structural difference can lead to a variety of challenges, from pain and instability to difficulty finding properly fitting shoes. By recognizing the unique needs of high arches, you can take proactive steps to maintain optimal foot health and prevent further complications.

Common Problems Associated With High Arches

One of the primary concerns with high arches is the increased stress and pressure placed on the foot's natural shock-absorbing mechanisms. Without the proper support, the high arch can cause the foot to roll excessively outward, a condition known as supination. This can lead to a host of problems, including:

- Foot pain: The concentrated pressure on the ball of the foot, heels, and outer edges can result in chronic pain, inflammation, and even the development of painful conditions like plantar fasciitis.

- Ankle instability: The lack of arch support can contribute to an unstable gait, increasing the risk of ankle sprains and other injuries.

- Calluses and corns: The uneven distribution of weight across the foot can cause the formation of painful calluses and corns, particularly on the balls of the feet and heels.

- Hammertoes: The excessive strain on the toes can lead to the development of hammertoes, a deformity where the toes bend at the middle joints.

- Shin splints: High arches can also contribute to the development of shin splints, a common overuse injury characterized by pain along the front of the lower leg.

These issues can not only be uncomfortable but can also limit your mobility and overall quality of life. Addressing the root cause of high arches and providing the necessary support is crucial for maintaining a healthy, pain-free lifestyle. 

Recognizing the unique challenges posed by high arches is the first step in finding the right solutions to keep you moving comfortably. By understanding the common problems associated with this foot type, you can take proactive steps to address them and prevent further complications.

High Arches

The Importance Of Proper Support For High Arches

Proper arch support is essential for individuals with high arches. Without the right support, the excessive strain on the foot's natural shock-absorbing mechanisms can lead to a range of painful and debilitating conditions. Providing the appropriate level of support helps to distribute weight evenly across the foot, reducing the risk of injury and alleviating discomfort. 

When the arch is unsupported, the foot tends to roll outward (supinate), placing added stress on the outer edges of the foot and the Achilles tendon. This can result in conditions like plantar fasciitis, tendinitis, and even stress fractures. By incorporating arch support, the foot is better aligned and stabilized, reducing the risk of these common high-arch-related issues. 

In addition to preventing pain and injury, proper arch support can also enhance overall foot function and performance. With the right support, individuals with high arches can experience improved balance, stability, and even athletic ability. This is particularly crucial for athletes or those who engage in high-impact activities, where the foot needs to be able to absorb and distribute the forces generated during movement.

Stretching & Strengthening Exercises For High Arches

In addition to choosing the right footwear and using orthotics, incorporating targeted stretching and strengthening exercises can also be beneficial for individuals with high arches. These exercises can help to improve flexibility, stability, and overall foot function, ultimately reducing the risk of pain and injury. 

One of the most important exercises for high arches is the towel curl. To perform this exercise, place a small towel on the floor and use your toes to grip and pull the towel toward you. This helps to strengthen the small intrinsic muscles of the foot, which can become weakened in individuals with high arches. Repeat this exercise several times, alternating between feet. 

Another effective exercise is the calf raise. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding onto a wall or chair for balance. Slowly raise up onto your toes, lifting your heels off the ground, and then lower back down. This exercise helps to strengthen the calf muscles, which play a crucial role in supporting the arch.

Tips For Managing Foot Pain Caused By High Arches

Dealing with foot pain caused by high arches can be a frustrating experience, but there are several strategies you can employ to find relief and manage the discomfort. Here are some tips to consider:

1. Invest in proper footwear: As mentioned earlier, choosing shoes with adequate arch support and stability is essential for individuals with high arches. Look for features like a rigid midsole, contoured footbed, and a wide toe box.

2. Incorporate orthotics: Custom orthotics or over-the-counter orthotics can provide the necessary support and cushioning to alleviate pain and prevent further complications.

3. Stretch and strengthen: Engaging in targeted exercises to improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles of the feet and lower legs can help to reduce stress on the high arches.

4. Apply ice and heat: Using ice packs to reduce inflammation and heat pads to improve circulation can provide temporary relief for foot pain.

5. Consider over-the-counter medications: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or naproxen can help to alleviate pain and inflammation.

6. Lose excess weight: Carrying extra weight can put additional stress on the feet, exacerbating the discomfort associated with high arches.

7. Limit high-impact activities: Engaging in low-impact activities like swimming or cycling can help to reduce the stress on the feet and prevent further injury.

By implementing a combination of these strategies, you can effectively manage the pain and discomfort associated with high arches, allowing you to maintain an active and comfortable lifestyle.

Bilt Labs Custom Orthotics

High arches, while aesthetically pleasing to some, can often lead to discomfort and pain. The excessive curvature can put undue pressure on the forefoot and heel, causing issues like metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis, and even lower back pain. But fear not! Bilt Labs Custom Orthotics offer a personalized solution to address the unique challenges posed by high arches.

Beyond Generic Support: Addressing the Root Cause: Unlike generic arch supports that offer a one-size-fits-all approach, Bilt Labs custom orthotics take a meticulous route. Through a moldable impression kit or 3D scanning technology, they capture the exact contours of your feet, including the severity of your arches. This personalized assessment allows them to identify any biomechanical imbalances that might be contributing to your pain, such as tight calf muscles or an uneven gait. By addressing the root cause, Bilt Labs custom orthotics provide a targeted solution for lasting relief and improved foot health.

Targeted Features for Optimal Support and Balance: Bilt Labs custom orthotics aren't a generic solution. They're crafted specifically for your unique foot shape and the challenges of high arches. Key features like strategically placed arch support and cushioning work in harmony to distribute weight more evenly across your foot. The arch support helps absorb shock and reduce pressure on the forefoot, while the cushioning provides comfort and prevents fatigue. Additionally, features like a metatarsal pad can be incorporated to further enhance comfort and prevent pain in the ball of your foot.

A Proactive Approach to Long-Term Comfort: Bilt Labs custom orthotics go beyond simply providing pain relief in the moment. By promoting proper alignment and mechanics with each step, they can help prevent future problems from developing due to high arches. This is crucial, as untreated high arches can lead to a cascade of issues, from plantar fasciitis to stress fractures. With Bilt Labs custom orthotics, you're not just treating the pain today – you're investing in the long-term health and stability of your feet, allowing you to stay active and pain-free for years to come.

Don't let high arches limit your activities or enjoyment of life. Bilt Labs Custom Orthotics offer a personalized solution to conquer discomfort, restore balance, and empower you to move with confidence on every step of your journey.

Bilt Labs Custom Orthotics


Living with high arches doesn't mean sacrificing comfort or activity. By understanding your body's unique needs and exploring options like proper footwear, stretching, and potentially custom orthotics like Bilt Labs, you can find the support and stability your feet crave. Remember, consulting a podiatrist for a personalized assessment is crucial. With the right combination of self-care, professional guidance, and potential orthotic support, you can conquer discomfort and embrace a future of happy, high-arched strides. Take our free quiz today to find out which orthotic type is best for your feet.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. If you have any questions about your health or are experiencing any medical problems, please contact your doctor or other healthcare provider immediately. Do not delay seeking medical attention based on the information provided in this article.