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Stop Your Orthotics From Squeaking: 6 Easy Solutions

There are a lot of benefits to choosing to work with orthotics. They can correct a lot of potential issues of the foot and can make some of the pain and discomfort go away without having to worry about surgery and other types of problems occurring. But when the orthotics begin to squeak, you may feel like taking them off. There are different reasons why orthotics are going to squeak and all of them can be a little bit annoying. Understanding the main reasons that your orthotics will begin to squeak on you and how to make all the noise stop will go a long way in helping you to get more enjoyment out of the device.

Why Do Orthotics Squeak?

In most cases, the cause of the orthotics squeaking is because the orthotics are fitting a bit too tight into the shoe. This causes the smooth side of the orthotic material to rub or cause friction on the inside wall of the shoe. This rubbing back and forth causes this squeaking noise you may hear from your custom orthotics. On the other hand, if you have insoles that have a gap and move around too much in the shoe, then you may get some noise from this as well. To help fix this problem, we need to consider finding a way to limit the gaps and/or tightness to reduce some of the friction that does occur when the orthotic moves around.

How Do I Get My Orthotics to Stop Squeaking? Here Are 6 Easy Tips:

The good news is that there are a lot of great steps that you can do to help make sure the orthotics will not make a ton of noise when you walk around. Most of these steps will be simple to do and won’t take a lot of your time. Some of the easy steps that you can take to help make the orthotics stop squeaking include:

Use a Thick Powder to Stop Your Orthotics from Squeaking

In the past, the first fix we would suggest you try would be applying some talcum powder to the area, however, in recent studies, scientists have found talcum powder to be unsafe. Some alternatives we would suggest are cornstarch, rice starch, or even arrowroot starch. You can add one of these to the bottom of the shoe on the inside of the shoe. You can then add the orthotic back into the shoe. This works because it will reduce the amount of friction that is there between the shoe and the orthotic, thus reducing the squeak. The semi-roughness of the powder creates an almost sanding-type motion on the sides of the orthotics, roughing it up a little so 2 smooth materials are not rubbing as much together. You will also find that using baby powder is not as great of an option, as it is too thin to rough up the sides of the orthotic top cover. It is a good idea to walk around some with your shoes on after adding the powder. The powders do tend to puff up and can leave some fluffy marks around if you wear socks or tights with the powder in place

You May Stop Your Orthotics From Squeaking by Removing the Insole

You will notice that the orthotics are going to squeak when they are moving around the shoe too much. If your shoe has a removable insole, then you may need to take that part out and then put the orthotic inside if you haven’t done this before. This will help the orthotic be lower in the shoe so that it will fit in a bit better and is excellent for staying still. If you notice that your trainers are going to be a bit loose in the first place, you may need to take some time to tighten them up more so your feet will not move around as much. Learn the lace lock or find a tighter shoe to help avoid this problem.

Use Some Velcro to Make Your Orthotics Still and Stop Squeaking

Another option that you can utilize is velcro to make the orthotics stay still, avoiding all the noise. Keep in mind that many times the orthotic will move around, which is a large factor as to why it is so squeaky on your feet in the first place. When you use velcro to help keep the orthotic in place, you will be able to make them quiet. A small piece of Velcro can go a long way in keeping the orthotics in their place and reducing some of the noise along the way. This can also make the device more comfortable and effective because it is not going to move around on you. A few velcro pieces on the orthotic should be enough, but how sweaty feet can typically get, you may need to replace it a few times.

Consider a Moleskin If You Want to Prevent Your Orthotics from Squeaking

Next on the list to try is a moleskin. This is an effective option if you notice that the squeaking of the orthotic is happening near the heel. You can put a square of the moleskin at the bottom of the shoe. This is a great tool to provide a little more cushion to the orthotic and can stop the noisy problem overall. Moleskins come in many shapes and sizes, but purchasing a moleskin roll and cutting it to make it fit may be best.

Dryer Sheets are Your Best Friend

Dryer sheets can be used for so many different things around your home. They also may be able to keep your orthotics from squeaking too much. You will need to do a bit of work and place them in the right location, but they can still work great for you. To make this one work, you will need to take a dryer sheet and cut it in the shape of the orthotic. Then place that under the shoe. Pop the insole of the shoe back on top and then the friction that is created there should be enough to help stop the orthotic from moving around and can make the noise less noticeable, if not diminish it completely. Any type of dryer sheet will work for this. If it works in your laundry, then it will be a fine option for this too. You can put one in each shoe and replace them every few weeks to make sure that you are avoiding the noise and enjoying your orthotic more than before. Not only will the dryer sheet keep your orthotic in place, but they smell great too!

Silicone Spray Can Make Your Orthotics Quiet

For most of the issues you have with squeaky orthotics, you will find that the tips above will be plenty to make them quiet down a little bit. But if there is some reason that they are not working, then you may need to go with another option. This is also a sign that there aren't big enough gaps between the shoe and the orthotic, so another problem is present. In this case, you may want to spray the bottom of the orthotic with a food-grade silicone spray to help with this.

The silicone is going to be like a lubricant, which means that it does allow the orthotic to move a bit in the shoe. But it will slide inside the shoe rather than having it squeak. It may not work as well as the others and your foot may slide around a bit.

Making Your Orthotics Quiet

There are a lot of great reasons to choose to work with orthotics. They can help relieve some of the pressure points on the feet, can help with flat feet, and can be a great tool to make all of the pain and discomfort go away. Make sure to check out some of the simple tips above to see how you can stop the squeaking when you wear your orthotics.