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The Best Posterior Tibial Tendonitis Exercises

Made From The Molds Of Your Feet

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Designed for an active lifestyle.

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Posterior Tibial Tendonitis Dysfunction, or PTTD, is a common foot problem that can cause ongoing pain and fallen arches so you may want to know what the best orthotics to help posterior tibial tendonitis & exercises are to help ease your pain. This is a condition that is hard to treat without the right exercise and support. When you have been diagnosed with PTTD, you might be wondering how you are going to heal without having surgery.

Thankfully, there are some other options for the care of PTTD that do not involve painful and invasive surgery. You will find that most experts recommend the right exercise regimen and custom orthotics to help manage this painful condition. Custom orthotics can make a big difference in your treatment and management plan and can help you to avoid costly and painful surgery.

What Is Posterior Tibial Tendonitis?

PTTD (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction) is a condition that occurs when the posterior tibial tendon becomes inflamed or is torn. This might happen due to overuse from sports like soccer and basketball, or it could be related to the shape of your feet. This condition can also occur due to lifestyle choices and weight gain.

Posterior Tibial Tendonitis might cause fallen arches when the condition is advanced, and it can be linked with overpronation in the foot that puts stress on the ankle and knee. This is a progressive condition, which means that treatment is required to improve or repair the damage that has been done. You will not be able to heal this condition with rest and ice alone. Custom orthotics and the proper exercises can make a significant improvement in your PTTD pain and can help speed up the healing process.

Posterior Tibial Tendonitis

Exercises That Help PTTD

This condition can be quite painful, so you will need to evaluate your ability to do these exercises based on your level of pain each day. You might not be able to use these exercises more than once a day at first, and you should proceed gently as you get started using them to help manage your discomfort and loss of flexibility.

You will not need any special equipment to do these exercises, and you can practice them almost anywhere. These exercises are carefully selected to prevent pressure from being placed on the bottom of your foot. You will want to avoid any kind of stretching that puts your body weight onto the soles of your feet, as this can stretch out your injured tendon too much.

Calf Stretch at the Wall

    • To do this exercise, you will need to stand with your hands on the wall at eye level. You will put one foot behind the other. Keep your back leg straight and your back heel down on the floor, then bend your front knee and gently shift your hip and chest forward toward the wall.
      You will feel the stretch in the calf of the leg that is farther back. Hold the stretch for about 15 to 20 seconds and then release. Switch feet and repeat. You should aim to do this exercise 2 to 4 times each session.

Bent Knee Stretch

    • You will still need the support of the wall for this stretch. Face the wall again and put your hands at eye level once more. You will want to put one leg behind the other again. Keep both heels on the floor and bend both of your knees. You will then bring your hip and your chest toward the wall slightly until you feel a stretch in the calf of your back leg.
    • This is a slightly deeper stretch than the first one, so move slowly. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds and then switch feet. You should repeat this stretch 2 to 4 times per session.

Shin Stretch

    • Sit on a chair with both of your feet flat. You will bend one leg and place the top of the toes against the floor, pointed toward the back of the chair. You can hold onto the sides of the chair for support if needed. Press your toes gently against the floor and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. You will feel the stretch at the front of your leg along the shin bone.
    • Switch to the other side and repeat. You can do this exercise 2 to 4 times as well. Make sure that you are not putting too much pressure on your knees as you move through the motions of this exercise.

Hamstring Stretch

    • For this exercise, you will need to lie down on your back in a doorway. Put one foot through the door and the other foot up against the wall. Straighten both of your knees. You will feel the stretch down the back of your leg right away. Start out holding this part of the stretch for about a minute.
    • You can repeat this process on both sides, extending the stretch slowly to be longer each time. Be gentle with this stretch, as you can cause cramps if you push your leg too straight too fast or if you are too close to the doorway when your leg is up to rest against the wall. Aim to do this exercise 2 to 4 times.

What Are Custom Orthotics?

Custom orthotics are insoles that are slipped inside your shoes that are made to match your feet perfectly. These custom items will help with the support of your foot and ankle and can help you to alleviate gait issues that might be linked with your PTTD.

Custom orthotics are not insoles like you can buy at the store. Custom orthotics are made just for you and are built on a sturdy base that is carefully designed to match your foot. Additional layers of supportive materials are wrapped over the support layer to make a soft and stable base of support that you can place inside your shoes.

You can use custom orthotics when you are standing, walking, running, or even playing sports. The level of activity that you are going to be engaging in might be limited due to your PTTD, but you will have the support that you need from your orthotics as you start to engage in activities again.

Custom Orthotics

What Can Custom Orthotics Do for PTTD?

Custom orthotics are very helpful for a whole variety of foot conditions and problems with gait. PTTD is very hard to treat without the use of custom orthotics to place the foot and ankle in the right position. Placing the foot and the ankle in the right alignment allows the tendon that has been damaged to relax and heal.

The position of your foot when standing or ambulating is critical for healing your PTTD. The reason that this condition is so hard to treat is often that the natural position of the foot has been altered by the damage to the tendon. Without correct realignment of the foot, there cannot be healing.

Custom orthotics offer these benefits to people dealing with PTTD:

Gait Support

    • While early stages of PTTD might not impact gait directly, later stages of the condition can be connected with fallen arches and other problems that can lead to overpronation of the foot during each stride. In some cases, the tendon is so relaxed that supination occurs, which can cause further damage to the outside of the ankle and put pressure on the knees and back.
    • Custom orthotics prevent incorrect foot flight paths and allow feet to distribute weight correctly during each step. A custom orthotic is also made to protect the arch of the foot from being pressed down too much. Ambulating correctly is a critical part of managing PTTD recovery, and custom orthotics can solve all kinds of gait issues to help alleviate pain and make healing possible.

Heel Support

    • People who are suffering from PTTD often have fallen arches or suffer from instability in the foot. This can lead to the breakdown of the soft tissue in the heels as well as damage to the ball of the foot. Foot strike pain can also lead to a back injury.
    • Custom orthotics are made to cradle the heel and protect it from harsh impact with the ground. Instability in the feet can lead to a lot of soft tissue and bone tissue damage that is prevented with correct support inside your shoes. When you select custom orthotics for your heel support needs, you will be able to prevent bone bruises and instability in your ankles and feet.

Remove Pressure From the Sole

    • Even if you do not have fallen arches, the instability in your feet due to your PTTD can lead to secondary issues like Plantar Fasciitis. When you have custom orthotics made for your PTTD treatment, your feet will be able to spread correctly during each stride. This will prevent the soft tissue inflammation along the bottom of the foot that is connected with Plantar Fasciitis.
    • Orthotics that are made just for your feet will make it possible to take a balanced stride that does not pinch, twist, or press on any part of the sole of your foot. Even if you are not noticing foot pain in other parts of your feet due to your PTTD, your feet are likely to be exposed to stresses that will eventually lead to discomfort or injury.
    • Being able to get ahead of damage to the soles of your feet is critical and custom orthotics can take care of this need while also supporting your ankles and stabilizing your foot.

Provide Correct Arch Support

    • The arch in your foot is the spring that allows your foot to flex and take on weight during each step. This is an important part of the foot that is neglected all too often. Many shoes do not offer the right support for your arches, and you might have ended up with your PTTD because of a lack of arch support in the shoes that you were wearing.

Custom orthotics will be made to match your arches perfectly. This kind of support ensures correct pressure on your feet during each stride, but it also ensures that your arches will not break down over time. Whether you have very high or very low arches, you need to have the correct arch support for your needs.

Shoes that are made to fit many people will be unlikely to give your feet the support that is needed on a daily basis. Even standing comfortably requires that you have the right arch supports in your shoes. Custom orthotics can help treat your PTTD, but they can also make it possible to prevent further damage to the soles of your foot.

How do I Get The Best Orthotics to Help Posterior Tibial Tendonitis?

It is actually very simple to order your own custom orthotics. You will simply ask for a kit to be sent to your home address that has everything that you need to be measured for your custom set of orthotics. The first thing that you will need to do is fill out the questionnaire that is included. Make sure that you answer all of the questions with care and that you are clear about the normal daily activities that you want to engage in.

The person making your orthotics will need to know what your goals are so that you get the right blend of support and flexibility from your orthotics. Make sure as well that you answer any questions about the nature of your injury and the gait issues that you are having related to it. PTTD can cause both supination and pronation, so you will want to be clear about which kinds of troubles you are having with your gait and weight distribution when you stand.

You will use the included foot forms to measure your feet precisely for a custom fit. Step into the foot molds with even pressure and a level foot. You do not want to point your toes or do anything else that will change the way that your arches appear in the mold. These foot molds will be the basis for the creation of the foundation of your orthotics, and they need to be correct.

Once you have taken both of these steps, you will send your orthotics kit with the questionnaire back in the mail. There will be a short waiting period while your orthotics are made, and then you will get the final product delivered to your door. This is a very simple process that delivers great results every time. Being able to get custom orthotics has never been easier, and you will be so relieved that you can now attend to your PTTD with ease.

Consider getting Custom Orthotics

How Do I Care For My PTTD Orthotics?

Orthotics are really easy to take care of. You will just need to be sure that you do not allow them to be stored wet and that you do not try to force them into shoes that they do not fit into. Orthotics are made to be used with closed-toe shoes. You will not be able to wear them with heels or with sandals.
If you do get your orthotics wet, you will need to remove them from your shoes and allow them to dry out before storing them or slipping them back into your shoes.

Orthotics that are wet for extended periods of time might warp. You will also want to be sure that you do not wear your orthotics with pebbles or other hard items in the shoe. This could press a dent into your orthotic that will not come out.

The other thing that you need to be aware of is that your orthotics must be used with shoes that fit properly. If you try to force your orthotics into shoes that are too small or try to use them with shoes that are too big for your feet, the orthotics might be bent or might not stay in place. If you are not sure what your actual foot size is, you will need to get measured by a professional. You can usually get measured with ease at a shoe store that sells running shoes or a custom shoemaker.

These measurements will help you to get the right pair of closed-toe shoes with laces for your orthotics to be used correctly. You might have ended up with PTTD in part because you were forcing your feet into shoes that were not the right size for your needs.

What if My Orthotics Make My Feet Tired?

There will be a period of adjustment once you get your orthotics. This is normal, and your feet might feel a little tired or sore for the first few days that you use your orthotics. Make sure that you take breaks and remove your shoes for a bit every few hours. Your feet should adjust rapidly to the orthotics if you make sure to take a break and sit down without your shoes on here and there.

Most people feel like their orthotics immediately make their feet feel much better, but if you are having some issues with comfort, allow your feet the time they need to adjust. It usually does not take more than a couple of days for your feet to start feeling great, and you will be so glad that you did not give up on your orthotics due to a little bit of tiredness early on. Being able to support your feet correctly and alleviate gait issues will offer you long-term comfort that you cannot get without custom orthotics.

If you have been diagnosed with PTTD, you might be worried that you will have to have major surgery or that your feet will hurt for the rest of your life. Thankfully, this is not the case, and custom orthotics and the proper stretching and strengthening exercises can make a huge difference in your PTTD recovery. Being able to take the pressure off of the injured tendon will allow it to heal, and your orthotics will support correct arch stability and foot positioning throughout the healing process.

If you have been struggling with the care routine that you have been given for your PTTD and feel like something is missing, custom orthotics are probably the right solution for your needs. Getting custom-made inserts for your shoes can make every kind of activity that you engage in more comfortable each day. If you are ready to alleviate the pain of Posterior Tibial Tendonitis and start the healing process, order your custom orthotics today! Bilt Labs can guarantee the best orthotics for Posterior Tibial Tendonitis. Take our free quiz today to find out which orthotics is best for your feet.

Bilt Labs Custom Orthotics

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. If you have any questions about your health or are experiencing any medical problems, please contact your doctor or other healthcare provider immediately. Do not delay seeking medical attention based on the information provided in this article.